Monday, February 8, 2010

o dear... snowed in part 2

this day brings me back to the farm. first off beth and i were stirring restlessly in our beds. the chirping of beth's telegram kept going off throughout the night!! it gave warnings of a killer trying to assassinate their target...which happened to be our dear roommate and sister amy! we were both in disbelief of this madness. why someone would want to take little amy's life? i felt like i got a total of one hour of sleep. i don't know why i was so restless...if it was the fact that my dear colts lost the big game or that my calling in the morning was to help nurse nightingale deliver babies. o i was a mess. then at 5:06 am the chirping was set off yet again! it was a message from beth's friend informing us that school was cancelled because it had snowed over night. we looked out of the window in our anne frank room and i was as if we were in the land of narcia! just snow sprinkled the ground like betty crocker had a flour accident. o what was i to do?! i knew that nurse nightingale would need my help delivering little ones today because i was informed last week that weather like this cause pregnant women to go into labor. as my rooster crowed i received a telegram from my future nurse friend that said hospital day was cancelled! o what a morning. i was so thankful because with my one hour of sleep i knew that it was going to be a long day. so beth and i were like "sleep!!" but umm no, we couldn't keep our eyes closed. so beth made some coffee and we sat around the fire and have our quiet time and studied. after a couple of hours had passed we decided that it was time to work out. so we walked 2 miles in place and did some insane ab work out that some crazy guy told us to do. after our working, beth said that she had to go to the store. since our horses were covered with snow we had to walk! we dressed in mismatching clothes and boots and headed out on our adventure to the market. we were walking down the road, just carrying along, talking about life and all it's wonders then a huge, i mean huge, wagon drove right into the puddle that was on the side of the road! the slush of melted snow hit us and weakened our bones! o how were we going to make it to the market and back home now with our clothes just soaked??? we had to, we just knew we had to. we didn't have another choice except...DEATH! so we adventured on. we finally crossed the river and an old man that smelled of cigarettes asked us to spare him some change. we avoided eye contact and informed the man that we had nothing to give. his response was "god bless you..." we kept walking and didn't look back. o we finally made it to the market and then treked back to poplar. some indian man in a buggy yelled good morning to us. we laughed and carried on. the journey seems it went on for days, but beth informed me that only an hour had passed. once back at poplar our other sisters were still in bed. o how we wanted to wake them and tell them of the snow news! once inside the warm house the other sisters awaked and talked of making pancakes over the stove. marmie and sister woods slaved over the hot stove and made the perfect pancakes for this perfect winter day. as sister, marmie, and amy play...beth and i are locked away in the anne frank in hopes to gain some knowledge about teeth and babies. o the joys of no school on a wonderful snow day like today.


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