Friday, February 5, 2010

And presenting...Sister Woods

Hello beautiful world. It's Amanda here, or Mans, or the latest development in my life--Sister Woods. That is right, by the rights of Aly in Huey's last night, I was officially "nunned" Sister Woods. And why might I want to be "nunned" since I am NOT Catholic and actually very fond of boys? Because, who needs the hassle of the male gender? Now don't get me wrong, I am NO man-hater, I just feel that it's worth taking that problem out all together. So here I am, almost 23 and the unofficial nun of the Poplar house. It is quite the responsibility. I've only been the nun for a single day and I can already feel the weight of such responsibility. For starters, I have to decide what type of nun I want to be. Do I want to be a nun like Whoopee in Sister Act or Julie Andrews in Sound of Music? You see, the battle has already begun. But both sing and dance, which I already have down. Whew...too many decisions!

Other than my vows, life has been pretty uneventful. That sounds silly when I reveal that I have 4 jobs to my name at the moment. I know, ridiculous. But somehow I kept acquiring them like mismatched socks and I like having a lot to do. I am a nanny for an 8 month old girl named Mylan, who seriously makes me want to give up everything I'm doing right now and become a mom. I baby sit for a few other families during the week that drive home the notion even further that I want a house full of kids someday (that is, if the nun gig doesn't work out...). I also work at a non-profit in Orange Mound part-time helping with their youth newspaper and their after school tutoring program. And last but not least, I work at a gym. I know, me at a gym? Thankfully my only tasks include checking people in.

So there is my week in a nutshell. I still have no idea what I want to do with my life, even though I'm in grad school. Crazy right? I thought that surely by now I would have a few things figured out, but that was where I was sincerely mistaken. God has taken me on this crazy roller coaster ride that I have absolutely detested. I've screamed, pouted, cried, laughed, cursed and so many more off the wall emotions along the way, but the Lord has been healing my heart in so many ways, and probably in more ways that I cannot yet see. I feel that I'm boldly honest with the Lord; telling Him things that most people wouldn't because it's not "right" to say. Honestly, I don't like the plan the Lord has for me now. But I'm holding onto the promise that someday He will prove me utterly wrong. But until then, this is Sister Woods signing off.

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