Thursday, February 11, 2010

i wish i could think of a good title...

so i'm taking a study break to write. o this is kitty! of coarse i think that you probably could've figure that out by now because studying owns me. ugh. i'm trying to have a positive attitude about school, but it's hard and it makes me want to cry practical everyday. which i'm not a crier...i cry about once every 6 months. expect me to cry in august again, since i had a breakdown last friday. mans was my witnesses, as i vented to my mom about school being stupid, wanting to move to naples and marry for money, and that i wanted to jump of a bridge. ha yeah i said the last part, but i'm not serious...just stressed. anywho moving on. so i was reading in this devotion book this morning that kdo gave me and it was about the situations that God places us in. it was talking about how God brings us though hardships in order to draw us closer to him... whether it be school, work, relationships, etc. i know that seems so elementary and you are probably like umm ok i've heard it before!!! this is true, but we need to hear this over and over because we are stupid broken people. i can think of so many different ways i wanted my life to look right now....i would've graduated from auburn, i'd be engaged, working as a RN somewhere, living on a farm...but no God has me still in school, in memphis, single, thinking why in the world do you want me in this major, living on poplar. yeah and if someone would've asked me two years ago if i'd ever move to memphis, i would've laughed in their face. this makes me thing of romans 8:28 "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called so according to His purpose." wow i'm an israelite. john a. whitmer saids about this verse "the things themselves may not be good, but God harmonizes them together for the believer's good because His goal is to bring them to perfection in His presence. Even adversities and afflictions contribute to that end." so true. back to studying about babies.

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